An Amazing 10th Year Anniversary Celebration at Bite Me Cancer's Annual Wine Dinner!
October 2024
Gratitude was abundant on October 18, 2024, when Bite Me Cancer experienced its best ever wine dinner. The foundation received the most revenue ever and had the greatest number of guests in all 10 years of wine dinners! Nikki, founder, gave an emotional speech now showing on Bite Me Cancer’s YouTube channel.
Bite Me Cancer raised $51,260 during the evening through our live ask and silent auction! For the entire event, the foundation achieved a net revenue figure of $104,973 - their largest amount ever!
This annual fundraiser is focused on supporting teenagers battling all cancers, especially through their Teen Support Bag program. These important support bags with teen-specific items have been given to almost 13,000 teenagers so far who deal with all kinds of cancer in every state and DC through their growing network of over 200 hospitals across the United States.
At the event, 3 award winners were honored:
Zachary Roush, Volunteer of the Year
Holly Senn, Inova Children's, Healthcare Impact Award
Bill Finkle, Dave & Buster's Fairfax, Corporate Impact Award
Friday, September 26, 2025 will be our next wine dinner.
It will be held at Westwood Country Club again.

Our 5th Dave & Buster's Event for Teenagers with Cancer and Guests
July 2024
Bite Me Cancer continued to provide great fun, food and games for teenagers with cancer and their guests. Many families attended along with some of the foundation’s volunteers and Nikki, founder. Bite Me Cancer is very grateful to Bill (the Dave & Buster's general manager) and staff who toke great care of the foundation and its guests.

Our 4th Dave & Buster's Event is Held During Teen Cancer Awareness Week
January 2024
For this event, we chose to hold it during our important Teen Cancer Awareness Week activities. The teenagers who deal with cancer brought their families and friends, and they were able to meet each other as well as meet our Bite Me Cancer volunteers. The venue provides a great dining room area for our guests to mingle.We are truly appreciative of the very generous manager at our local Dave & Buster's in Fairfax, VA. The manager provides free food and free game cards for guests. Nikki (our founder) attends along with other board members and volunteers so that everyone can meet up.

12,000 Teenagers with Cancer Now Have Received a Teen Support Bag!
December 2023
We are very honored to have helped another 1,000 teenagers by giving them a bag through our still growing hospital partnerships in every state and DC! We have almost 200 hospitals along with a handful of related nonprofit organizations who are happy to give our Teen Support Bags to their teen cancer patients.

Bite Me Cancer's 9th Annual Wine Dinner is a Success Raising Over $115,000!
September 2023
This year's event had the most tickets sold and the most sponsors ever! Once again, a lovely venue provided a wonderful evening of support and friendship while raising funds for our Teen Support Bag program. A silent auction and live ask brought in about $40,000 that evening! Our Host Committee was made up of Monica Tressler-Chandler of Silver Spring Bank, JD Kathuria of WashingtonExec, and Ed Zigo of Clarke Hook Corp.

Thank You to Dave & Buster's For Hosting a Series of Fun Events For Bite Me Cancer!
August 2023
Bite Me Cancer has held 3 of these events so far at Dave & Buster's at Fair Oaks Mall, Fairfax, VA. Teenagers with cancer and their family and friends are invited to attend for free. Our arrangement with Dave & Buster's is amazing! For each event, the manager provides free food and free game cards for guests. Nikki (our founder) attends along with other board members and volunteers so that everyone can meet up.

11,000 Teenagers with Cancer Have Now Received a Teen Support Bag!
April 2023
We are thrilled to report that we've reached another milestone - 11,000 bags to 11,000 teenagers with cancer!This year, we also enhanced a few items in the bag. Most notably, we replaced our baseball hat with a knit beanie hat. We also enhanced the popular water bottle to now enable ice cubes to be dropped inside - and there is a handle on the bottle.

Bite Me Cancer Distributes Its 10,000th Teen Support Bag to Teenagers Dealing with Cancer!
September 2022
Founder Nikki Ferraro has announced that the foundation had now reached over 10,000 teenagers with distribution of the Teen Support Bag to almost 200 hospitals. Teenagers are receiving a bag who live in every state and DC. The Teen Support Bag shows teen cancer patients that they are not alone – we get it – and want to help them. The reaction to the bag has been highly positive, with many teens, parents and hospital workers reaching out to us to share their reactions.

Bite Me Cancer's 8th Annual Wine Dinner Raises Over $100,000!
September 2022
A highly successful event combined fun and a commitment to teens dealing with cancer to raise over $100,000 to help support the foundation and its Teen Support Bag program. This event raised the most funds ever at one event for Bite Me Cancer! Nearly 200 people attended this wine dinner held at Westwood Country Club in Vienna, VA on September 16, 2022, which included a silent auction and a "live ask."
Founder Nikki gave her emotional keynote speech highlighting her own medical journey as well as the challenges for teenagers dealing with cancer.

The 9th Thyroid Research Grant Has Been Designated!
July 2022
Bite Me Cancer is excited to have choose Dr. Shoku Kure from Beth Israel Medica Center at Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA, for the 9th grant 2-year grant. This grant is being shared with ThyCa (Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association) and is overseen/managed by ATA (American Thyroid Association).
For medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), surgery is currently the first line treatment. Clinically available drugs are limited, and patients may develop drug resistance and tumor progression. Therefore, new therapeutic options are urgently needed for the refractory MTC. MTC is a tumor with abundant vessels. These tumor vessels are crucial for maintaining tumor aggressiveness. Pericytes are one of the vessel components, in the normal tissue as well as tumor tissue. They express receptors (called tyrosine kinase receptor (TK) and impact the drug response by TK inhibitors (TKIs). In Dr. Carmelo Nucera’s lab, it has been recently identified that one of the TKIs, lenvatinib, significantly induced higher thyroid cancer cell death when tumor cells grew together with pericytes. Dr. Kure works in Dr. Nucera’s lab and will focus on this finding.

The 7th Annual Wine Dinner Event is a Big Success!
September 2021
Bite Me Cancer held its wine dinner after a few postponements during 2020’s Covid lockdown. About 175 attendees joined that evening, coming together to support teens dealing with cancer. Funds raised that night went directly to the Teen Support Bag program, and over $90,000 was raised through the whole event that included a silent auction and a “live ask.”Also, 11 honorees were presented that have been with the foundation from the beginning.

The 8th Thyroid Cancer Research Grant is Announced!
July 2021
Bite Me Cancer is so proud to choose Dr. Eman Ali Toraih from Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, LA. for its next 2-year research grant. Dr. Toraih is focused on the challenges of predicting which tumors will remain indolent and which will progress and to decide who should receive adjuvant radioiodine therapy or extensive postoperative surveillance. Hence, there is an urgent need to identify biomarkers that can accurately predict tumor recurrence or persistence in advance.

8,000 Teenagers with cancer given teen support bags
December 2020
Even after a challenging 2020 with Covid, the foundation was still able to send out more Teen Support Bags across the country with almost another 1,000 being shipped out in 2020. There are almost 150 hospitals in Bite Me Cancer's network, allowing teenagers in all states and DC to receive a bag.

The 2020 Annual Wine Dinner is Cancelled Due to Covid.
July 2020
Originally, our annual wine dinner was postponed from April 25, 2020 to October 4, 2020. We have now made the decision to cancel the event due to the ongoing Covid challenges. We will celebrate this year's 10th anniversary and Nikki's 10th "cancerversary" in 2021.

7th Thyroid Cancer Research Grant is Awarded!
July 2020
Bite Me Cancer chosen a grant directed by Dr. Cristina Montero-Conde, PhD, Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO), Madrid, Spain, entitled “Discovering novel molecular nodes involved in MTC development and evolution.” This research project has the potential to identify molecular events that confer an outgrowth advantage to the tumor but at the same time a greater dependence on specific oncogenes or molecular networks. Therefore, such alterations could predict enhanced responses to selective molecules, such as the RET-targeted inhibitors Blu-667 (submitted for FDA approval) and LOXO-292 (recently FDA approved. In addition, the results of this proposal will generate the first map of allelic imbalance events in MTC.

$1 Million in Funds Raised
September 2019
September 5, 2019 – When Nikki began fundraising in April 2010, it was a week after her cancer diagnosis. She decided right away to lead a Relay for Life team for American Cancer Society and named her team Bite Me Cancer. She and her team raised $22,000 and catapulted her into developing Bite Me Cancer as a foundation. During the following year, she led another Relay for Life Team. When her foundation began in September 2010, she also began to raise funds through the foundation. This week, she reached $1 million in funds raised!

9th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser
September 2019
Bite Me Cancer held it's anniversary celebration to highlight that the foundation was formed in September 2010 by Nikki Ferraro who was 17 years old at the time, only 5 months after her own cancer diagnosis. Since Bite Me Cancer began, 6 thyroid cancer research grants have made with those 6 research projects underway. Also, Bite Me Cancer has sent 6,300 Teen Support Bags to teenagers battling all cancers throughout the country to 120 hospitals within 47 states and DC.

6th Thyroid Cancer Research Grant Recipent Chosen
July 2019
Bite Me Cancer designated its researcher who is Dr. Anthanasios Bikas, Georgetown University/MedStar Washington Hospital Center. His 2-year research grant is titled “Targeting Mitochondrial Cytochrome-C-Oxidase for the Treatment of MTC.” MTC is Medullary Thyroid Cancer. This current grant is a partnership of Bite Me Cancer and the Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association (ThyCa) and is managed by the American Thyroid Association

8th Anniversary Party and Fundraiser
September 2018
Bite Me Cancer, a national nonprofit organization based in Fairfax, VA, celebrated it's 8th anniversary with a party! It also announced that it has raised more than $800,00 to support teenagers with all cancers and fund thyroid cancer research grants, and has personally reached out to more than 5,200 teens hospitalized with cancer providing them with much needed teen support.

An Amazing 10th Year Anniversary Celebration at Bite Me Cancer's Annual Wine Dinner!
October 2024
Gratitude was abundant on October 18, 2024, when Bite Me Cancer experienced its best ever wine dinner. The foundation received the most revenue ever and had the greatest number of guests in all 10 years of wine dinners! Nikki, founder, gave an emotional speech now showing on Bite Me Cancer’s YouTube channel.
Bite Me Cancer raised $51,260 during the evening through our live ask and silent auction! For the entire event, the foundation achieved a net revenue figure of $104,973 - their largest amount ever!
This annual fundraiser is focused on supporting teenagers battling all cancers, especially through their Teen Support Bag program. These important support bags with teen-specific items have been given to almost 13,000 teenagers so far who deal with all kinds of cancer in every state and DC through their growing network of over 200 hospitals across the United States.
At the event, 3 award winners were honored:
Zachary Roush, Volunteer of the Year
Holly Senn, Inova Children's, Healthcare Impact Award
Bill Finkle, Dave & Buster's Fairfax, Corporate Impact Award
Friday, September 26, 2025 will be our next wine dinner.
It will be held at Westwood Country Club again.